According to the Castilian epic poems, Rodrígo Díaz de Vivar, the famous "Cid Campeador", the popular christian hero, was one of the famous pilgrims to arrive at Compostela. His purpose was to kneel down in front of the Apostle Santiago. But in fact there is no proof of that. The assumption that the Cid made the Route comes from many legends that were spread after his death.
These stories describe the Castilian hero defending the pilgrims from Moorish attacks. Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar was born in Burgos in 1040 and died in Valencia in 1099. The Moorish nicknamed him "seid" or "cid" (lord, boss) and called him "Mio Cid" (My Lord). The Christians called him "Cid Campeador", that is, victorious lord.
The legends about his exploits have overshadowed the historical facts about this stalwart knight. So many literary works have been written about him that even his historical existence has been put into doubt for no apparent reason.
The real Cid, not the great hero described in the mythical "El Cantar del mío Cid", was a mercenary soldier who fought Chistians or Arabs, depending on who paid him. He was a warrior without a home. However, this unfavorable vision of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar cannot be fully believed, since it came from Moorish historians of that time.
The Cid described in the epic poem "El Cantar del mío Cid" is completely different. He is generous with his friends, an affectionate father and husband, magnamimous with the defeated, extremely loyal to his country and king; the man whose name and exploits are still admired today. His figure, despite the centuries, is still present in the minds of the Spanish people. It is difficult to find somebody who has never heard about the Cid Campeador, and not many historical figures enjoy this popularity. Undoubtedly, the epic poem about his life, a key work in the Spanish literature, is, to some extent, responsible for it.